2025 Shreveport-Bossier Maker Faire Call for Makers
Q. How do I choose which Maker Faire to Show My Maker Project?
A. It will depend on your schedule, your preferences, your project, and a few other details:
1. At the Airshow, load-in and set-up must be done no later than the business day prior to the event. Once you are there, your project must stay for the duration of the event (Saturday, March 29 and Sunday, March 30 with move-out quickly after the show). The audience will be large – up to 200,000 visitors are expected at the airshow in general, and 10,000 visitors are expected in the Hangar Full of STEM, where the Maker Faire will reside. All projects must be vetted by members at the base, meaning no flames, no knives, etc. Sales (transfer of money for goods) are not allowed on base. You may promote your products however.
2. At Sci-Port Discovery Center, you will be located on the beautiful downtown Shreveport riverfront, facing the Red River. The building is a 92,000 square foot science center/museum. The event is a single day (Saturday, April 12th) starting at 10:00 AM and ending no later than 5:00 PM. You may be able to load in the afternoon prior. We will have some outdoor space for things that can not be accommodated at the Airshow. Also, sales are allowed but remember that Maker Faires are not predominantly about sales. There needs to be a Maker/hands-on component. With both events, our expert staff can help you if you need ideas on how to turn your booth into a hands-on exhibit.